Find answers to your frequently asked questions here

1. Why should I choose Electronic Partners as our Technology Partner?

Our one and only objective is to make our clients succeed through the work we do for them. Our values are:

1) Be dedicated and committed to every client’s success.

2) Be respectful to our clients, suppliers, staff, and the environment.

3) Be honest, ethical, trustworthy and act with uncompromising integrity in everything we do.

We are very easy to work with and will generally go beyond our contractual brief to make sure what we provide you meets with your requirements. We look at ourselves as an extension of your organisation and always work in your best interest.

We have been providing Electronic Engineering and Software Development services for over 18 years. We have worked on a variety of projects serving clients world-wide across several industries, such as engineering, transportation, marine, agriculture, construction, healthcare, hospitality, etc.

We are specialists in the design and development of customised electronic products, embedded software, IT and IoT solutions, and mobile applications. Our engineers are highly experienced and have up to date knowledge in their respective areas of work.

And last but not the least, we are an approved IRD Research and Development Service Provider. This means that if you are a New Zealand tax resident company or individual, you can claim R&D Tax Credits for the amounts you spend with us. Please get in touch with us and we can explain more.

2. What services do you offer?

Our services range from establishing feasibility of product ideas through to design and prototyping, testing, and manufacturing. We provide the entire stack of services involved in product design and manufacturing using in-house resources and our business partners.

3. How confident can I be that my idea and my intellectual property will be protected?

The first thing that we do is to sign a Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement with you. The agreement will prevent us from disclosing any of the confidential information that we exchange between us, to third parties. Information is given to our staff only on a need-to-know basis. All our staff are bound by their employment contract that carry specific clauses on IP protection and client confidentiality. In addition, we remind employees periodically on the importance of IP protection and maintaining confidentiality during our team meetings. And from 2021, we have introduced a practice of circulating a document called “Business Conduct Guidelines and Team Charter” to each staff member who must read and sign it each year.

4. You may be able to keep my data and IP confidential. But what will happen if your IT systems experience a cyber-attack?

All our IT systems are provided by other parties who have robust cloud-based systems and we expect them to be using strong cyber security practices. As these parties are reputed companies like Microsoft, Google, and Xero, we do not anticipate any issues in this area.

5. I need the project to be completed by a certain date. Will you be able to ensure that?

Our approach is to first understand your requirements, discuss a high-level plan for the project and examine the feasibility of meeting your target date. If it is not possible to accommodate the full scope within the target time-period, we may be able to complete part of the scope and bring out a minimum viable product by your target date. We are honest and will not promise anything that we cannot deliver. We follow a robust project management and execution process and will keep you informed of progress.

6. I need to know the cost of the project upfront. Is that possible?

We have a way of ensuring that you have full certainty in the cost of your project. Please get in touch with us and we will explain our process through which cost certainty is ensured for you.

7. I need the project completed within my limited budget. Will you be able to ensure that?

Our first attempt will be to sincerely find ways and means to minimise cost for you and bring your project home within your budget. If it is not possible to accommodate the full scope within your budget, we may be able to complete part of the scope and bring out a minimum viable product within your budget. We may also point you to sources from where you may be able to secure funding for your project.

8. I am an individual with an idea. Will you work with me on my project?

We do projects in diverse areas for clients, who range from a single person with an idea to large companies that outsource their complete electronics work. Please get in touch. We are a friendly bunch of people. We will be able to check out the feasibility of pursuing your idea.

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